Mortgage Credit Check

Don’t settle for an incomplete picture.

Lenders base their lending decision on the information we provide and your credit score.  For an accurate picture you can see your credit report for free.  Using the credit checker ensures our advisers find you the right product and obtain you an Agreement in Principle (AIP) in a matter of minutes.

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A summary of your financial reliability

An Agreement in Principle (AIP) is a pre-approval of your mortgage, which is required before progressing to a full mortgage application. It’s an important document, which we recommend obtaining before starting your house search or applying for your re-mortgage. 

If your credit history is straightforward, you may not need to see your credit report. However, if your situation is more complicated, before proceeding with your mortgage application it is advisable to get a clear understanding of what lenders see before you undergo a credit check.

In order to process your mortgage application, we’ll supply your personal information to credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies and they will give us information about you, such as your financial history, mortgage eligibility and credit score. We do this to assess creditworthiness and product suitability, verify your identity, manage your account, trace and recover debts and prevent criminal activity. These agencies may in turn share your personal information with other organisations. If fraud is detected, you could be refused certain services, finance or employment.

See how you will be assessed

Take the stress out of your mortgage application and avoid any surprises by using our mortgage credit check. See what mortgage lenders see, get information you’ll need to complete the application form, plus access speedy, expert assistance if you need help or find errors in your application. Monitor your credit report online as your application proceeds and get a clear picture of your personal situation.

See how you’ll be judged

Take the stress out of your mortgage application. See what mortgage lenders see, get information you’ll need to complete the application form, plus get speedy, expert assistance if you need help or find errors. Monitor your Credit Report as your application proceeds


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